I've been quite busy in the real world recently: I got married. My wife is from Toronto where we were this past weekend for a wedding party. I was supposed to be back early enough last night to make it down to the Mercury Lounge in time to catch Sea Wolf. It didn't work out that way.
As Brooklyn Vegan points out, there are quite the number of Wolf bands that inspire this band. More wolf equals more good (You can quote me on that). Therefore, they must be amazing and thus I was pretty excited to see them live for the first time. Plus, I had heard a number of tracks off their recent release Leaves In The River - one of the tracks in particular ("Middle Distance Runner") is currently in heavy rewind mode.
Amazon album description:
The songs on this debut full-length are awash with longing for distant places visited, lived, and loved, and are molded by the geography of singer/songwriter Alex Brown Church's past - the long, winding descent from the Sierra foothills to the hazy shores of the Barbary Coast. Lofting, arching melodies over foggy, elegiac pop and folk structures. The impression left by these songs lasts long after they've packed up and moved on. Produced by Phil Ek (The Shins, Built To Spill, Band Of Horses).
Anyways, back to my story. Was supposed to be back in time for the show but after sitting on the runway for WAY too long (stupid congestion in the greater NYC area flight corridor) I got back too late to go to the show. Hopefully they will be back in the city soon.
Peep this live version from WOXY of "Middle Distance Runner" and this Daytrotter Session version of "You're A Wolf"