Sometimes I have to take some time away from the blog. I don't do it on purpose - life just asks me to focus on it occasionally. A while back I made promise to review all finalists for the 2008 Polaris Prize. I have slacked. Good thing the winner isn't announced until the 29th of September. Time to get back on the review train starting with Little Jabs, the amazing album by Two Hours Traffic.
I'm not really sure how to properly relate my love for this album in the right way. Little Jabs has become one of my go-to discs. I listen to it all the time. Every song is good - lyrically, its smart. Sonically, it is perfect indie pop. Peep these tracks:
Fortunately for me, the band is coming to NYC in a next week (9/22 at Piano's). Hopefully, the live show will hold up to the greatness that is Little Jabs.