I'm fucking bummed. Really bummed right now.
On June 30th, 2008, Dave Matthews Band’s saxophonist, LeRoi Moore got into an ATV accident that sent him to the University of Virginia hospital. He had left the hospital, only to return a few days later. His condition was not good and word was that things weren’t going well.
We do not know the details, but have verified from two independent sources that this is in fact true. I talked with Bruce Flohr, who confirmed his death several moments ago.
LeRoi, rest in peace and in your and Dave Matthews Band honor we won’t write anything on the site for tomorrow. LeRoi died at the young age of 46. - cVillain
How could I NOT be a huge Dave Matthews Band fan? I grew up in Virginia in the mid nineties, it was like a right of passage. From 7.25.1995 (my first show) until the turn of the century I saw about 50 DMB shows. Every single one of them important and a lifelong (happy) memory...some more than others...but that is for a different post. One of my favorites comes from the first show at the Classic Amphitheater in Richmond.
My friends and I were so psyched for the show we left Virginia Beach extremely early that day in '95. The 2 hour drive went by quickly...really quickly. Yes, we were the first car in the parking lot. As we were sitting there, I noticed a car pull up to me on my left (I was driving). In it, was LeRoi. I looked over, probably dumbfounded, to see LeRoi smile and toss a wave my way as he drove past security into the venue. Sixteen year old Bready thought it was pretty sweet. Oh and the show was killer too.
I'm deeply saddened by the news of LeRoi's passing. My heart goes out to his family, friends, band mates, and the large # of passionate fans. He was a truly talented musician with an amazing ability to improv. Despite being terribly afraid of performing (the reason for always wearing sunglasses), he was most poignant on stage in a live setting. While my DMB fandom is not what it was in the mid-late 90s, they will always hold place in my heart. As such, I'll pay my tribute with a mix of LeRoi-tinged live DMB tracks from shows I attended. Yes, I have every single show I saw on cassette, CD, flac, and mp3.
Proudest Monkey (12-31-1995).mp3
Typical Situation (9-1-1996).mp3
Pantala Naga Pampa > Rapunzel (4-18-1998).mp3
Best Of What's Around (7-19-2000).mp3
I almost forgot to mention, LeRoi guested with Phish the first time I saw them on 7.21.1997 in Virginia Beach. It was killer. He came out during "Theme From The Bottom" for a jam that can't be done justice with words. LeRoi played 2 saxes, Trey 3 guitars, Mike Gordon 2 bass guitars, Jon Fishman drumming with at least 6 sticks, and Page McConnell laying all over his keyboards playing as many keys as possible. The jam merged into a great rendition of "Funky Bitch."
RIP Leroi! Foward to Zion!
Posted by: Dub | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 11:48 AM
Posted by: DB | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 04:32 PM
do you have that theme from the bottom? they both are links for funky bitch
Posted by: greg | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 06:57 PM
greg - the link should be fixed. thanks for letting me know.
Posted by: bready | Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 08:32 AM
Was at that Phish show as well, and remember that jam quite fondly. I also remember driving back to Chillmington at the crack of dawn the following morning to be at work by 9AM!
Posted by: Mike | Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:15 AM
do you have the new years eve show (12-31-1995) Hampton, VA on cd? That was my first DMB show. I remember people were actually giving away tickets in the parking lot! Not so much nowadays.
Posted by: Paul | Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 06:32 PM
Set your own life more simple take the mortgage loans and everything you want.
Posted by: FisherAVIS | Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 12:26 AM