If you've been reading Fresh Bread for a while then you'll know I really dig Mountain Goats....the band. Since you are so familiar with the site then you'll probably be able to guess how excited I was to hear about this:
The new album is called Heretic Pride and will be out on February 19th, 2008. These are the songs on it:
1. Sax Rohmer #1
2. San Bernardino
3. Heretic Pride
4. Autoclave
5. New Zion
6. So Desperate
7. In the Craters on the Moon
8. Lovecraft in Brooklyn
9. Tianchi Lake
10. How to Embrace a Swamp Creature
11. Marduk T-Shirt Men's Room Incident
12. Sept 15 1983
13. Michael Myers ResplendentRecording personnel for this album were Franklin Bruno, Annie Clark, Erik Friedlander, Peter Hughes, Jon Wurster, the Bright Mountain Choir, and your humble narrator. It will be released by 4AD, and features artwork by Vaughan Oliver. It was recorded at Prairie Sun, and produced by Scott Solter & John Vanderslice. We are really excited about this album, and we wish it were out right now, but there is a law against releasing albums in December unless you are Queen.
I wish it was released this month too. I guess rules are rules. To tide me over until then I'll listen to a few tracks from the Australia edition of The Sunset Tree EP: