Body Count returned to the stage from a ten year hiatus this past Saturday at the Knit (Main Space). To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. I hoped to hear certain songs from the band's first album, the self-titled "Body Count". I also knew this tour is supporting the band's new release "Murder 4 Hire".
BC was awesome. Ernie C is a masterful guitarist. Ice demanded attention and got it. Leaning on the old catalog was probably a good idea - the crowd responded enthusiastically. Highlights were "Body Count's In The House", "KKK B*tch", "There Goes The Neighborhood", and "Voodoo". Additionally, I lol'd during "Cop Killer". T was like: "...cops can suck my d*ck!!! I play one on tv (on Law and Order: SVU)....they can still suck my d*ck!!!!....". Good one, Ice.
The new album falls short of the goodness that is "Body Count". Live however, BC can bring it. If you are in Europe in the next month or so, they are touring there.
saw BC in hamburg..they were awesome!
Posted by: bc4life | Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 04:49 AM