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Monday, March 27, 2006



he was so good on wednesday, wasn't he? I was at the 9:30 show, which was riveting and utterly hushed (except for my gleeful gurglings). no one breathed, let alone spoke. he had us from hello (ooh, that was bad. but I'm keeping it).


seriously, those people by the stage SUCKED on so many levels. jose was great. so understated but great.


I opine that to receive the mortgage loans from creditors you must present a good motivation. But, once I've received a consolidation loan, because I wanted to buy a building.


I received my first loans when I was 32 and that supported my relatives very much. But, I require the sba loan also.

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Houses are quite expensive and not everyone can buy it. But, loan was created to aid people in such kind of cases.

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