I saw Jose Gonzalez again last Friday. Opening for the Books at the Bowery Ballroom, Jose's mad skills on guitar were a welcomed showcase as an opening act. Despite the annoyingly chatty crowd - [rant]seriously people, the Bowery has a lower level; you can still hear the music; you can definitely talk to your heart's desire; you won't annoy anyone...especially the ones next to you standing two feet from the stage[/end rant] - I really enjoyed it.
Beginning with "Deadweight on Velveteen", Jose played a set similar to the one I saw on Wednesday. His voice, like the first ray of morning sunshine, gently bringing you into it. His music and lyrics will stir you like that big cup of coffee I know you have each morning. "Heartbeats" was a crowd pleaser, I really dug "Suggestions" and "All You Deliver" - the latter reminds me sooo much of the guitar stylings of a FB fav Keller Williams (who I'm sure will get a post soon). Of note, Jose took an encore.
Stale Bread - Jose Gonzalez @ Joe's Pub 03.22.06 pics and video
Stale Bread - Jose Gonzalez - KEXP mp3s
I've only listened to a few songs by the Books before. Fortunately, they played "Smells Like Content" for me on Friday. the Books combine recorded music with live instrumentation. Nick Zammuto plays remote control as well as acoustic guitar. Paul de Jong plays both cello and bass guitar.
I dig their sound...Nick has a inviting voice...but for me the live show didn't have the same allure as the recordings. Decide for yourself as the Books have posted their music on their website. Buy a T-shirt or something....
he was so good on wednesday, wasn't he? I was at the 9:30 show, which was riveting and utterly hushed (except for my gleeful gurglings). no one breathed, let alone spoke. he had us from hello (ooh, that was bad. but I'm keeping it).
Posted by: charlotte | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 11:44 AM
seriously, those people by the stage SUCKED on so many levels. jose was great. so understated but great.
Posted by: erin | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 01:52 PM
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