My newest (and guaranteed to stay around) obsession is a Brooklyn band called Love As Laughter. My roommate dropped this unbelievable album on me a few weeks back. I really can't thank him enough because every song moves me in a way Rock and Roll hasn't been able to do in a long time.
Sam Jayne = Love As Laughter = Rock and Roll = Sam Jayne
Trust me, this is an equation to know and love. Endlessly playing "Pulsar Radio", "Makeshift Heart", "Every Midnight Song", and every other song on Laughter's Fifth over and over convinced me I better not miss their appearance at the Northsix in BKLYN last weekend. Throw in a week's worth of listening to Sea to Shining Sea and I was basically jumping out of my Nike's in anticipation.
I was thrilled with the set...approximately an hour long. The venue was maybe 2/3rds filled and the crowd was somewhat subdued. Me? loved every second of it. A tad disappointed they didn't play "Temptation Island" - a grab-you-by-the-collar-and-drag-you-at-a-hundred-miles-an-hour song and possibly my favorite song of theirs - but an excellent "Coast to Coast", "Every Midnight Song" (w/ two powerful drummers), and others left my inner-monologue pumping its fist after the set (can't actually do that in public in Brooklyn - there is a law against showing emotion re: music there).